Do you want to earn money while learning? Find out how work-study training can transform your career!


There work-study training A gateway to a promising professional future by combining practical and theoretical learning.
Reduction of inequalities Students benefit from a monthly salary and a reduction in tuition fees.
Professional immersion Learn a trade while earning money, offering concrete experience in the chosen field.
Trades student card Allowing you to benefit from reductions and advantageous rates.
Professionalization contract Qualification training related to the position held, guaranteeing recognized qualification.

You wish earn money while learning a trade? Find out how the work-study training can transform your career! This unique educational model combines practical and theoretical phases, allowing you to develop professional skills while perceiving a monthly salary. Whether you are a student or in professional retraining, work-study represents a valuable opportunity to move forward calmly towards a promising future, without sacrificing your financial independence.

Opt for one work-study training to acquire professional skills while earning money. This guide explores the many benefits of work-study, from financial relief to direct experience, career opportunities and how to land work-study training.

A Gateway to a Promising Future

Combining Theory and Practice

There work-study training is based on an alternation between practical period in a company and theoretical period in school. This model allows you to immediately put into practice what you learn in class, while integrating the demands and realities of the professional world.

Early Professional Experience

Being on a work-study program means you start accumulatingprofessional experience from your training, which constitutes a considerable asset on your CV. In fact, many employers look for candidates who already have concrete experience, thus reducing training periods upon hiring.

The Financial Advantages of Work-Study

Tuition Fee Relief

Unlike traditional training, work-study allows you to reduce inequalities by relieving students of tuition fees. In fact, these costs are often covered by the host company, allowing the apprentice to follow their training for free.

Monthly Remuneration

In addition to covering tuition fees, the work-study program offers monthly salary which allows students to meet their needs. This remuneration depends on age and the year of training, but it offers a certain financial autonomy from the start of the professional career.

For more information, see the financial advantages of work-study.

Benefits and Discounts

Work-study students also benefit from trades student card, giving them access to reductions and advantageous rates similar to those of traditional students. These advantages make life easier for work-study students by allowing them to benefit from preferential rates on transport, leisure, etc.

How to Obtain Work-Study Training

Search and Application

To get a work-study training, it is essential to prepare well and actively search for offers. Specialized sites, such as ONISEP, can guide you in this process. Do not hesitate to seek help from your teachers and use career guidance services.

Prepare for your Interview

Once a company has been targeted, it is crucial to properly prepare its job interview. Highlight your skills, motivation and ability to integrate quickly. Highlight the benefits you can project for the company through your work-study training.

Work-study contracts

There are mainly two types of contracts: the apprenticeship contract and the professionalization contract. These two contracts have similar objectives but differ slightly in terms of target audience and conditions. To learn more, see details on apprenticeship contract.

Post-work-study Career Opportunities

Integration and Evolution

Work-study training often offers great opportunities toemployment after training. Many companies recruit their former apprentices, who already know the workings of the organization and have proven themselves in the field.

Promote Your Experience

It is essential to properly value your work-study experience when looking for your first job. Mention your concrete achievements, the projects you participated in and the skills you developed. All this demonstrates your ability to be operational immediately.

Remuneration Outlook

Thanks to the experience accumulated during the work-study program, you are in a position to obtain a higher pay from your first job compared to graduates without professional experience. This provides a springboard for a successful career.

For more information on how transform your career thanks to work-study training, visit the website Ministry of Labor.

Advantage Description
Professional immersion Gain field experience from the start
Monthly remuneration Earn a salary while studying
Qualification training Obtain a recognized diploma that matches your position
Reduction of tuition fees Reduce your study expenses
Trades student card Benefit from various discounts and benefits
Theoretical and practical phase Combine academic courses and work in a company
Professional integration Facilitate your entry into the job market
Skills enhancement Have your professional achievements recognized
Development of autonomy Learn to manage your time between studies and work
Career Opportunities Take advantage of opportunities offered by partner companies

Financial Benefits

  • Monthly remuneration during training
  • Reduction of tuition fees
  • Trades student card to benefit from discounts

Professional Strengths

  • Immersion in the world of work
  • Acquisition of recognized skills
  • Valued professional experience
  • Qualifications training related to the position
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