You won’t believe the incredible opportunities offered by Greta training!


  • Training suitable for all levels
  • Access to experienced professionals
  • Development of varied skills
  • Opportunities professional retraining
  • Certification recognized by the State
  • Network of partner companies
  • Financing possible for private individuals and businesses
  • Flexibility learning schedules and formats

In a constantly changing world, continuing training has become a major issue for adapting and reinventing oneself in the job market. Among the many options available, the training offered by Greta stands out for its diversity and accessibility. Whether you want to deepen your professional skills or retrain in a new field, the opportunities offered by these programs are simply incredible. Let’s dive together into this world of learning that could transform your career and open unexpected doors!

The Greta network is a real asset for all those who wish to retrain, improve their skills or open up to new professional perspectives. From continuing education to validation of acquired experience (VAE), through tailor-made courses, the opportunities are countless. Discover how Greta can transform your life through diversified, innovative training adapted to the needs of the job market.

What is Greta training?

Groups of establishments for continuing adult education, better known as Greta, are structures of French National Education. Their main mission is to provide continuing education to adults to help them improve their professional skills and qualifications. Greta covers a wide range of sectors and provides both theoretical and practical training.

A dense and accessible network

The Greta network is deployed throughout France, thus facilitating access to training for a wide variety of audiences. They are located in public educational establishments such as middle and high schools, which guarantees both accessibility and the quality of education.

A range of diversified training

The Gretas offer training in a multitude of areas: health, commerce, industry, IT, personal services, management, languages, etc. The diversity of offers allows everyone to find the training that best corresponds to their aspirations and professional needs. In addition, these training courses can be certified or qualifying, opening the way to various employment opportunities.

Flexibility and adaptation

One of Greta’s great strengths is its ability to offer training adapted to the rhythms and constraints of adults. Whether you are an employee, job seeker, or self-employed, Greta offers full-time, part-time or work-study training courses. It is even possible to follow certain training courses remotely, thanks to digital tools.

Opportunities for requalification and retraining

In times of professional transition, Greta presents itself as an invaluable resource. Whether for a complete career change or to acquire additional skills, Greta offers the necessary tools to make this transition successful.

Value your past experiences

Thanks to the Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE), Greta makes it possible to officially recognize the skills acquired over the years, whether in the context of employment or voluntary activities. This can lead to obtaining a diploma, a professional title or a qualification certificate while avoiding repeating lengthy training courses.

Personalized support

Greta training is often accompanied by personalized advice, skills assessments and individualized follow-up. Educational advisors and experienced trainers guide you throughout your journey to maximize your chances of success and professional integration.

Project yourself into careers of the future

Often in partnership with companies and professional sectors, Greta anticipates the needs of the labor market and adapts their training offers accordingly. This way, you have the assurance of following training aligned with the professions of the future and growing sectors.

Appearance Benefits of Greta training
Professional training Access to programs adapted to the needs of the labor market.
Personalized support Individualized monitoring by experienced trainers.
Flexibility Flexible hours to reconcile professional life and training.
Number of Domains Wide range of business sectors covered.
Qualification Recognized certifications to enhance your CV.
Cost Accessible prices, possibility of various financing.
  • Adapted training: Customized programs for individual needs.
  • Wide range of areas: Covers various professional sectors.
  • Access to experts: Qualified and experienced trainers.
  • Learning flexibility: Full or part-time course options.
  • Professional network: Networking opportunities with industry professionals.
  • Recognized certifications: Diplomas validated by professional organizations.
  • Personalized tracking: Support in your training journey.
  • Funding available: Financial aid to support learners.
  • Career evolution : Boost your skills to climb the ladder.
  • Continuing education: Resources for lifelong improvement.

An innovative and efficient teaching method

The Gretas don’t just pass on knowledge in the traditional way. They make a point of using innovative and interactive teaching methods to ensure effective and engaging learning.

The skills-based approach

The training is built around blocks of skills identified and evaluated on an ongoing basis. This makes it possible to enhance each stage of the learning journey and provide real added value to each skill acquired.

Use of educational technologies

Greta leverages modern digital tools to offer distance learning, virtual classrooms, online learning platforms and other technological innovations. This promotes great flexibility and individualization of training courses.

Learning by doing

By emphasizing concrete projects and real-life scenarios, Greta allows learners to actively practice what they have learned. This teaching method is particularly effective for anchoring knowledge and developing the practical skills needed in the job market.

Financial and logistical advantages

Taking training can often seem expensive or inaccessible in terms of logistics. Fortunately, the Greta offers several solutions to overcome these obstacles.

Subsidized training

Many Greta training courses are financed by public bodies or by the State. This makes it possible to considerably reduce training costs for learners, or even to benefit from completely free training in certain cases.

Access to financing schemes

Greta advises and supports learners in finding funding, whether it is the Personal Training Account (CPF), training vouchers, Pôle Emploi aid, or even regional funding. This valuable assistance facilitates access to training, even for those with limited financial means.

Simplified logistics

With training centers spread throughout France, geographical proximity is a major advantage. This physical accessibility makes it possible to limit travel and associated costs, thus promoting better attendance and optimal learning comfort.

A springboard for professional integration

Greta training courses are not only intended for those who already have a job. They also offer a springboard for job seekers or those who wish to re-enter the job market after a period of break.

Partnerships with businesses

The Gretas work closely with companies to adapt their training to the real needs of the market. This often leads to internship, apprenticeship and even direct recruitment opportunities for learners who have completed Greta training.

Support towards employment

Greta advisors offer job search assistance workshops, interview simulations, and personalized coaching sessions. This comprehensive support maximizes learners’ chances of professional integration.

Access a professional network

Training at Greta not only allows you to acquire skills, but also to build links with other professionals in the sector. The relationships established during training can translate into opportunities for future collaborations or professional recommendations.

The promising sectors of Greta training

If you wish to direct your career towards sectors in demand, Greta offers specific training in promising and innovative fields.

Health and social

Health and social care professions are constantly evolving and are constantly recruiting. The Gretas offer training in various specialties such as nursing assistant, medical secretary, or even personal service professions, thus meeting the growing needs of these sectors.

Digital and technology

The digital world is booming and technological skills are in high demand. The Gretas offer courses in web development, cyber security, network management, and many other specialties linked to IT and new technologies.

Industry professions

Training in industry includes areas such as industrial maintenance, electrical engineering and production management, thus providing advanced technical skills, valued on the job market.

Business and management

Trade and management professions continue to be dynamic and varied. The Gretas train in management, accounting and business management, thus meeting the needs of small and large structures.

Personal and professional enrichment

Finally, following Greta training is also a way to achieve personal fulfillment while increasing your employability.

Development of transversal skills

In addition to technical skills, Gretas often integrate personal development modules, such as stress management, teamwork, or emotional intelligence. These transversal skills are increasingly valued by employers.

Increased self-confidence

By acquiring new skills and validating what you have learned, Greta training helps you strengthen your self-confidence. This self-esteem is essential for job interviews, career development, and personal projects.

Networking and exchanges

Greta training courses are also places for meetings and enriching exchanges. Networking with trainers, other learners, and professionals in the sector opens many doors and perspectives.

Newfound dynamism and motivation

For those who feel stuck in their career or unmotivated, following Greta training can restore meaning and energy. Continuous learning and progression within training fuel motivation to achieve new professional goals.

In short, Greta training offers a range of unrivaled opportunities for all those who wish to evolve, reskill or simply learn new things. Whether you are at the start of your career, changing your career or looking for further development, Greta has what you need to meet your expectations and guide you towards success.

Greta training is an educational program offered by Greta, which are groups of public training establishments. It aims to offer training adapted to the needs of adults undergoing retraining or upskilling.

The Gretas offer a variety of training courses in different fields such as management, languages, IT, and many other professional disciplines.

All people wishing to improve their skills or retrain professionally can benefit from the training offered by Greta, whether they are employees, job seekers or entrepreneurs.

Most training courses can be financed by schemes such as the CPF (Personal Training Account), but it is advisable to find out about the financing arrangements before registering.

To register, simply visit the Greta website concerned, consult the different training courses offered and complete the online registration form.

The prerequisites vary depending on the training. Some may require prior knowledge or skills, while others are accessible without specific conditions.

The duration of the training depends on the program chosen. Some training courses may last a few days, while others may extend over several months.

Yes, Greta training courses are recognized by the State and can lead to official certifications, which is an asset for the employability of participants.

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