Educational monitor training: How to become a support professional?


Degree required State diploma instructor instructor (DEME)
Duration of training 2 years
Training content 950 hours of theoretical courses, 28 weeks of practical training
Skills acquired Social support, animation and organization of a collective space
Main missions Improve the social adaptation of supported people
Professionalization contract 3-year training with 950 hours of theoretical lessons

To become a instructor instructor, a daily support professional, it is essential to follow specialized training. This course, which leads to obtaining the State Diploma of Educator Monitor (DEME), extends over two years on a work-study basis and includes both theoretical courses and practical internships. Intended for those who wish to play a key role in the socialization and integration of the people they support, the DEME allows them to acquire the essential skills to effectively practice this demanding and rewarding profession.

Become an educational instructor is an exciting path for those who wish to support and socialize people in difficulty. This article details the different steps to access this profession, the necessary skills and the various training options. Whether you are at the start of your career or in professional retraining, find out how to obtain the State Diploma of Educator Monitor (DEME) and become a key player in social action.

The role of the educational instructor

THE instructor instructor plays a fundamental role in supporting vulnerable people. Its main objective is to promote the social integration and autonomy of individuals within collective structures. Through its daily supervision, it helps to improve the social adaptation of its beneficiaries by leading and organizing educational and social activities.

The skills needed

To practice this profession, it is essential to develop a certain number of skills. The educational supervisor must above all demonstrate human qualities such as listening, patience and empathy. In addition, he must have technical skills in social support, group facilitation and project management.

Areas of expertise

The training to become an educational supervisor focuses on four main areas:

  • Specialized social and educational support : understanding and responding to the needs of the people being supported
  • Development and management of an educational project : implementing actions adapted to situations
  • Professional communication : interacting effectively with the various social actors
  • Involvement in partnership, institutional and interinstitutional dynamics : collaborating with various support systems

The training course

The educational supervisor training is structured over two years in alternation, including 950 hours of theoretical courses and 28 weeks of practical training. It is accessible via several routes: traditional initial training, a three-year professionalization contract or the validation of acquired experience (VAE) for those who have significant experience in the field.

Theoretical courses

The theoretical courses cover modules such as specialized social and educational support, the development and management of educational projects, as well as professional communication. These courses provide future educational supervisors with solid theoretical bases essential to the exercise of their profession.

Practical internships

Practical internships are an integral part of the training. They offer the opportunity to put theoretical lessons into practice and to confront realities on the ground. Each internship is supervised by a professional in the sector, which allows you to gradually acquire the skills necessary for social support.

The State Diploma of Educator Monitor (DEME)

To access the profession of instructor instructor, it is necessary to obtain the State Diploma of Educator Monitor (DEME). This diploma is recognized and certified by the State, guaranteeing a level of competence and qualification in accordance with the requirements of the social sector. THE professional reference of this diploma details the skills and know-how required, as well as the objectives of the training.

Career and retraining opportunities

After obtaining the DEME, several options are available to professionals. They can choose to specialize further or retrain for other professions in the social sector. For example, it is possible to become specialized educator, a natural evolution for some educational instructors. The opportunities for reconversion are numerous and enriching, allowing you to explore various aspects of social support.

How to join training

To join training as an educator instructor, several steps are necessary. It is possible to register via platforms like Parcoursup for young students, or to contact training institutes directly. A meeting on support professions will be held, for example. in Dordogne on May 30 at 10 a.m..

Training element Concise description
Duration of training 2 years work-study
Theoretical courses 950 hours
Practical courses 28 weeks
Degree required State Diploma of Educator Monitor (DEME)
General objectives Acquire skills for an educational relationship and the animation of a collective space
Areas of expertise Social support, personal development, organization of daily life, teamwork
Professionalization contract 3-year training with 950 hours of theoretical lessons
Specific areas of training Social, educational, personalized project, analysis of practices
Retraining possible Specialized educator, trainer, VAE
  • Duration of training: Two years work-study
  • Theoretical courses: 950 hours total
  • Practical internship: 28 weeks spread over two years
  • Goals : Skills in educational relations and group animation
  • Area of ​​expertise: Specialized social and educational support
  • Diploma : State Diploma of Educator Monitor (DEME)
  • Access : Via file study and motivational interview on Parcoursup
  • Retraining: Opportunities to become a special educator or trainer
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