Become an expert in animal care with this revolutionary training!


  • Training available under professionalization contract after signing with a zoological park.
  • L’ACACED is essential to master the basics of animal care: hygiene, feeding, emergency care.
  • Follow distance training with EFM Animal Trades to become an animal caregiver.
  • Educational program structured in five successive phases for a complete assimilation of the concepts.
  • 100% distance learning courses offered by specialized schools, with flexible and personalized courses.
  • THE Gramat CFPPA in the Lot offers animal caretaker certification from zoological establishments (10 months).
  • Educational objectives: feed adequately, maintain the habitat, identify the specific needs of species.

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of animal care and become an expert with our revolutionary training. Offering comprehensive courses and exemplary educational support, this training will allow you to acquire all the skills necessary to excel in this exciting profession. Whether you want to work in a zoo or health center, our programs are designed to provide you with a flexible and enriching learning experience.

Do you dream of working with animals and becoming an expert in animal care? Then you are in the right place! This article introduces you to revolutionary training that will allow you to acquire all the skills necessary to excel in this field. Discover the different stages of training, the required diplomas, and the advantages of flexible and personalized distance learning.

The importance of specialized training

To work as animal caretaker, it is essential to undergo specialized training. Indeed, it is not just a matter of feeding the animals, but of providing them with appropriate care, ensuring their well-being and meeting their specific needs. This is where the animal caretaker training comes into play.

The skills you will acquire

By following training in animal caretaker, you will learn to:

  • Providing food adapted to each species
  • Maintain and develop appropriate habitats
  • Identify the specific needs of each animal
  • Provide basic care and first aid

These skills are provided in quality training courses such as those offered by the European Training Center.

Distance learning: a flexible and personalized choice

The possibility of following a distance learning is a major asset for those who wish to become animal caregivers. Institutions like EFM Animal Trades offer 100% online courses, which allows students to progress at their own pace and according to their schedule.

The advantages of distance learning

Distance learning offers many advantages:

  • Learning flexibility
  • Access to varied and quality resources
  • Personalized educational monitoring
  • Possibility of combining studies and employment

To find out more, you can consult the different training offers offered by specialized centers such as IFSA and Nature.

Required certifications and diplomas

To work as an animal caregiver, it is often necessary to obtain certain certifications. The ACACED (Certificate of Knowledge for Pets of Domestic Species) is essential for anyone wishing to move into this field.

Obtaining ACACED

The ACACED allows you to acquire fundamental knowledge in animal care, particularly with regard to hygiene, feeding and emergency care. This certificate is essential to guarantee an adequate level of competence and recognized by potential employers.

Establishments such as the CFPPA of Gramat offer training courses to obtain this certification.

Job opportunities after training

Once you have completed your training and obtained your certifications, many job opportunities are available to you. Whether in a zoological park, a care center, in shelters or even in nature reserves, the options are numerous and varied.

By following this revolutionary training, you will be able to meet the requirements of the profession and contribute to the well-being of animals in a professional and competent manner.

Criterion Description
Modality 100% distance learning
Duration 10 months
Structure 5 successive phases
Certificate Recognized by the State
ACACED Necessary for basic care
Teaching Quality of courses and educational monitoring
Objectives Food, hygiene, emergency care
Flexibility Flexible and personalized training
Partnership Contract with zoological park required
Institutes CFPPA de Gramat, EFM Métiers Animaliers, Ifsa and Nature

What you will learn:

  • Hygiene and maintenance of animal habitats
  • Adapted food for each species
  • Emergency care for animals
  • Observation and identification of specific needs
  • Environmental enrichment for animal well-being

Training modalities:

  • Distance learning with personalized monitoring
  • Professionalization contract possible with a zoological park
  • Access to certification ACACED
  • Structured phases for progressive assimilation
  • Flexibility and personalization of courses
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