How to become the best dog trainer in just 3 weeks?


Intensive Training : 3 weeks, 105 hours of training (65 theoretical hours, 40 practical hours).
Training Modules : General knowledge about dogs, Canine psychology, Basic education.
Practical : 126 hours, including sessions with clients, work on technical orders, behavioral management.
Certification Training : Options like EDUC DOG PRO and ESPRIT DOG PRO for recognized certification.
Dog Education : Importance of choosing training with a significant practical component.
No State Diploma : The certificate of competence is sufficient to work as a dog trainer.

Become the best dog trainer in just 3 weeks may seem ambitious, but with the right training and a healthy dose of passion, this goal is completely achievable. By opting for short-term intensive training, you can acquire not only the necessary technical skills, but also a deep understanding of behavioral needs and psychological aspects of dogs. Here are the key steps to achieve this transformation in record time.

To become the best dog trainer in just 3 weeks, it is crucial to undergo intensive training and fully immerse yourself in the theory and practice of dog training. This article takes you step by step, from necessary qualifications to practical skills, to the best training available, to help you excel in record time.

Choose the right training

To become a dog trainer, it is essential to register for recognized training. Several options exist, but the most highlighted are EDUC DOG PRO and SPIRIT DOG PRO. These programs are specially designed to provide complete immersion in just three weeks, with a total of 105 hours of intensive training, including 65 hours of theory and 40 hours of practice.

Theory modules

Theoretical courses cover essential topics such as dog psychology, managing problem behaviors, and general knowledge about dogs. This theoretical component is often taught by correspondence, which allows you to prepare well before moving on to practice. Nature de Chien thus offers 60 hours of theory by correspondence supplemented by three weeks of practice.

Practice hours

Practice is fundamental to becoming a good dog trainer. The best trainings include education and behavioral sessions with real customers. For example, training may include 126 hours of practice over 3.5 weeks, where you will have the opportunity to work on technical commands and dog management in a real situation.

Develop the necessary skills

To be the best dog trainer, it is not enough to have training; it is also necessary to develop practical and relational skills. You must be able to identify the behavioral needs of dogs and propose appropriate solutions. Managing differences between dog breeds and personalities is essential to providing personalized education.

Know dog behavior

Understanding canine psychology is crucial. You must be able to detect signs of stress, anxiety or depression in the dog. If you suspect a behavioral problem, it is essential to intervene quickly and appropriately. For example, a Dominant white Border Collie might require a different approach than another dog.

Master education techniques

Training techniques are varied and must be adapted to each dog. You will be trained to use positive methods to encourage good behavior and to avoid punishments which can cause stress. Working in the field with clients allows you to practice these techniques and gain valuable experience.

Immerse yourself completely in practice

To excel in three weeks, it is essential to fully immerse yourself in your training. This means that you must be prepared to dedicate a lot of time and energy to learning. Actively participating in practice sessions, asking questions and interacting with instructors and other students will help you learn faster.

Working with clients

Working directly with clients is an essential part of the training. This direct contact will allow you to understand the challenges faced by dog ​​owners and to propose adapted solutions. Hands-on experience working with clients is essential to becoming a competent and recognized dog trainer.

Continuously improve

Even after your three weeks of intensive training, the learning doesn’t stop there. To remain the best dog trainer, it is important to continue training, participate in seminars and conferences, and interact with other professionals in the sector. You can also subscribe to online resources or specialized blogs to stay up to date on new dog training techniques and approaches.

Criteria Training Content
Total Duration 3 weeks (105 to 126 hours)
Theoretical Courses 60 to 65 hours
Practical Classes 40 to 66 hours
Main Modules General knowledge, Canine psychology, Basic education
Sessions with Clients A week of customer meetings
Recommended Training EDUC DOG PRO, Dog Nature
Certifications Certificate of capacity
Goals Work orders, Behavior management
Estimated Cost Variable, depending on the training chosen
  • Confirm your vocation : Make sure this job is right for you.
  • Choose intensive training : Opt for a 3-week program such as the one offered by Educ-Dog.
  • Focus on theory : Take 65 hours of theoretical courses to understand the basics.
  • Canine Psychology Module : Learn the behavioral needs of dogs.
  • Acquire the basics : Master the fundamental concepts of dog training.
  • Intensive practice : Engage in 40 hours of hands-on sessions with clients.
  • Behavior analysis : Observe and manage dog behaviors in real situations.
  • Technical improvement : Work on specific technical orders.
  • Feedback : Receive feedback to improve your skills.
  • Personalized approach : Adapt your methods to each dog for optimal results.
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