You won’t believe what I learned during my Fimo training!


  • There Compulsory Minimum Initial Training (FIMO) is essential to becoming road driver goods or passengers.
  • It has been obligatory since September 2009 to drive vehicles with a PTAC specific.
  • FIMO includes sessions of theory and of practical to ensure complete preparation.
  • Training is not for life; a update is necessary every 5 years.
  • It is possible to obtain a exemption in certain specific cases.
  • The rate of success of FIMO is high, but the training remains demanding.
  • Without FIMO, driving professional heavy goods vehicles is prohibited.
  • The training also provides access to bridging training to progress in the sector.

You won’t believe what I learned during my Fimo training ! Frankly, I thought it would just be a formality to obtain the precious sesame of road transport, but the reality quickly proved to be much more captivating and rewarding than I could have imagined. Whether you are behind the wheel of a heavy goods vehicle or a bus full of passengers, this training literally transforms you into a seasoned professional, ready to face all the roads and challenges of everyday life.

There Compulsory Minimum Initial Training (FIMO) to become a truck driver is full of surprises. Between the theoretical aspects, the practical situations and the regulations to know, I discovered much more than I expected. Let me take you behind the scenes of this fascinating training.

The theory much more exciting than expected

During the FIMO training, I was impressed by the breadth and richness of the theoretical knowledge to be acquired. Did you know that the training not only includes road safety and mechanics, but also extends to topics such as stress management and communication techniques with customers? Yes, you heard correctly! Varied subjects that are often neglected in other driving courses are essential here to become a true transport professional.

Safety first

Of course, one of the pillars of FIMO is security. We are taught not only the basics of the highway code, but also advanced techniques such as eco-driving and handling emergency situations. My understanding of concepts such as Total Authorized Load Weight (PTAC) and braking distances have been completely transformed. For detailed information on this part, you can check out this fascinating article on FIMO training.

Practice, practice and more practice

The practical training is undoubtedly the most exciting part of FIMO. We had the opportunity to drive different types of vehicles under the supervision of experienced instructors. The scenarios are unlimited: from driving in the city center to handling a semi-trailer in an industrial zone. These exercises allowed me to understand complex maneuvers and gain confidence that I never imagined possible.

Realistic simulations

Nothing is left to chance. Whether in simulators or on specific roads, each situation is designed to prepare us for the reality on the ground. We learn to manage fatigue, optimize our driving time and even perform complete inspections of our vehicles. To learn more about the exact content of these practice exercises, you can take a look at this article on FIMO validation.

The secrets of regulation

Another aspect that is often underestimated is diving into the twists and turns of regulations. Yes, you read correctly: road transport regulations are complex and a real labyrinth of laws, international agreements and safety standards. Thanks to experienced trainers, I was able to navigate and understand for the first time all the ins and outs of this demanding profession.

The importance of continuing education

It is not enough to pass the FIMO to have peace of mind throughout your career. In fact, every 5 years, you must follow a Compulsory Continuing Training (FCO). This legal requirement ensures that drivers always stay up to date with the latest regulations and safety practices. More information on this subject on the website ministry of sustainable development.

Unsuspected opportunities

Finally, FIMO opens doors that I had not considered. Thanks to the skills acquired, you can not only become a road driver, but also access positions as trainers, logistics managers or even launch into entrepreneurship in the field of transport. This versatility is a major asset for a flourishing career in this dynamic sector.

Evolve and specialize

Your career does not end once you obtain the FIMO. Specific training such as specialization in the transport of dangerous materials or driving in passenger transport is available. To explore these different possibilities, you can consult this useful resource on the Gojob website.

Appearance And before, I thought that… Now I know that…
Training duration A meager formality of a few days It lasts at least 140 hours, spread over several weeks
Driving without FIMO With a PL license, it was enough FIMO is required to drive vehicles weighing more than 3.5 tonnes
Validity Once acquired, valid for life It must be renewed every 5 years with the FCO (Mandatory Continuing Training)
Theoretical training We focus on driving only Emphasis is also placed on regulation, safety, and energy efficiency
Exam results Insurmountable and difficult to succeed With good preparation, the success rate is very high
Goods or Passengers The same training for everyone It varies depending on whether the transport concerns goods or passengers.
Practical training A little ride with the truck In-depth exercises with real driving situations
Gateway No option to change specialty Bridge training exists to move from one type of transport to another
Cost of training It is accessible free of charge The price can vary from 1500 to 3000 euros
  • PTAC : The importance of the Total Authorized Load Weight.
  • Regulation : The strict rules imposed since September 2009.
  • Security : Advanced techniques for securing loading.
  • Maneuverability : Techniques for maneuvering a heavy vehicle safely.
  • Prevention : Risk prevention and first aid.
  • Permit : The specifics of the SPL (Super Heavy Duty) license.
  • Continuing education : Renewal obligation every 5 years.
  • Theory : Essential concepts taught in theory.
  • Practical : Putting acquired knowledge into practice on the road.
  • Gateway : How to benefit from bridging training.
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