Initial or continuing training: Which one really boosts your career?


  • Initial Training :
    Aimed at young people students, it offers solid foundations for starting out in a profession.
  • Continuing Education :
    Thought for the professionals wishing to evolve, retrain or stay competitive on the labor market.
  • Different Objectives :
    Initial training aims to integrate young people into the world of work, while continuing training allows them to update and deepen their skills.
  • Benefits :
    Initial training gives access to the status ofstudent. Continuing education can improve prospects professional and career advancement.

Choose between initial training And continuing education can prove decisive in boosting your career. The first, often reserved for young people, offers essential background for launching into a profession. The second, suitable for people who already have professional experience, allows them to acquire new skills or requalify to remain competitive in the job market. But between these two systems, which is the most effective for achieving your professional goals?

Training plays a central role in professional development. Whether through initial training for young people or continuing education For experienced professionals, each type of training has distinct benefits. This article takes a detailed look at both of these paths to determine which one can really boost your career.

Understanding initial training

There initial training is the educational path generally undertaken by young people in order to acquire the solid foundations of a profession. It often takes place in academic institutions such as schools, colleges and universities. This type of training allows you to obtain a recognized diploma or certification, thus facilitating entry into the job market with a official qualification.

The advantages of initial training

One of the main advantages of initial training is that it provides fundamental knowledge in-depth in a specific area. As a student, you are also exposed to practical internships which help to strengthen your know-how. In addition, this training offers a structured framework and various advantages linked to student status, such as access to libraries, laboratories and sometimes even financial aid reducing the financial burden on students.

Learn more about the benefits of initial training at Laho Training.

Clarifications on continuing education

There continuing education is intended for professionals looking to learn new skills, to update themselves in their field or to change careers. Unlike initial training, it is aimed at individuals who already have professional experience and are seeking to progress or retrain. It can take a variety of forms, including seminars, workshops, online courses, and often has more flexible options suited to adults’ busy schedules.

The benefits of continuing education

The main benefits of continuing education include increased adaptability to new technologies and market trends. It also offers the opportunity to obtain additional certifications, thereby significantly improving your CV. For employers, hiring a candidate who has completed continuing education is often seen as a guarantee of dynamism and desire to progress. According to Indeed, this may even lead employers to prefer your application over those of other applicants (see Learnthings).

What type of training should you choose according to your situation?

The choice between initial and continuing training depends mainly on your personal and professional situation. Initial training is ideal for young people or for those who have not yet acquired the basics in a specific field and are looking to start their career. On the other hand, continuing education is more suitable for working professionals wishing to evolve Or to reconvert. This type of training is particularly advantageous for remaining competitive in the job market.

To learn more about the differences between initial and continuing education, consult this article on Indeed.

Practical case: Resume management studies in Annecy

To illustrate the possibilities offered by these two types of training, let’s take the example ofIAE Savoie Mont Blanc in Annecy which offers management programs adapted to both initial and continuing training. Professionals can return to study to obtain a management diploma, thereby increasing their chances of advancement in the workplace.

Find out how to boost your management career with the IAE by clicking here.

Appearance Initial Training Continuing Education
Target audience Young people in the learning phase Professionals with experience
Goals Acquire the basics of a profession Update and expand skills
Duration Long term (several years) Short to medium term (a few days to several months)
Flexibility Less flexible, standardized program High flexibility, adapted to individual needs
Certification Official diplomas (Bac, License, Master) Skills certificates, specific qualifications
Financial benefits Access to scholarships and student aid Support possible from the employer or via CPF
Networking Development of an academic network Development of a professional network
Market adaptability Less responsive to rapid changes Very responsive to market developments
Impact on career Allows you to start a career Increases promotion and retraining opportunities
  • Initial Training: Aimed at young people
  • Continuing Education: For those who already have professional experience
  • Initial Training: Learning the basics of a profession
  • Continuing Education: Adapted for a return to work
  • Initial Training: First step towards a specific domain
  • Continuing Education: Support in achieving professional goals
  • Initial Training: Offers student status and its benefits
  • Continuing Education: Allows you to remain competitive in the job market
  • Initial Training: Often necessary to start a career
  • Continuing Education: Can make a difference on a CV
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